Sunday, October 24, 2010

PCC Film & Lecture Series: When the Bough Breaks

Free Film & Lecture Series

Friday, November 19, 2010
12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Cascade Campus, MAHB 104 (Auditorium)
Film: 12:00p.m.
Dr. Kent L. Thornburg, PhD: 12:30pm
Film: When The Bough Breaks

When The Bough Breaks explores reasons for the high rate of infant deaths among African Americans (nearly twice as high as for white Americans) and why even well-educated Black women have birth outcomes worse than white women who haven't finished high school.

Some neonatologists believe that African American women and infants are at increased risk not because of their biology, but because of the cumulative impact of racism they experience over their lifetime - an impact that can outweigh even the benefits of higher social and class status

Good Nutrition Now, Good Health Later
Dr. Kent L. Thornburg, Director of OHSU’s Heart Research Center, presents compelling new research linking maternal and childhood nutrition to vulnerabilities for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer later in life AND in the next generation.

Dr. Thornburg, PhD in developmental physiology, leads clinical studies to determine the role of maternal diet and body in regulating fetal growth in women. Dr. Thornburg holds professorial appointments in Physiology, Pharmacology, Biomedical Engineering and Cardiovascular Medicine. He has published over 125 papers on pregnancy and fetal development and co-authored a leading book on placental physiology.
· Question and answer session following lecture.
Light refreshments served.

For information on the Portland Bridges to Baccalaureate Program go to
or contact
Shari Rochelle at srochell@pcc or Marlene Eid at

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