Sunday, August 30, 2009

Children's Book: What's Inside Your Tummy, Mommy?

The other day, Sarah Nuxoll and I were at the library together with our children and Sarah happened upon this book: What's Inside your Tummy, Mommy? by Abby Cocovini. We ended up bringing it home and have been enjoying it. This book has brought up several new discussions about their lives in-utero. It would have been helpful to have for my son when I was pregnant with my daughter, and is another good "prepare the siblings book" for our list. It is written in kid-friendly language and the drawings are quite helpful. The pictures of the baby in-utero are suppose to be drawn to scale...I am not so sure about a couple of them, but maybe I have just forgotten how big my children's heads were when they were born. Also of note, my son loves all of the food references for the baby's size (why is it always food?), "Which food am I the size of now, Mama?"...golly...

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