The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Me, and Senor Xolotl ~Frida Kahlo
Melissa Cole's friend is doing a survey on lactation after pregnancy or infant loss. Replies will be used to create training materials and support programs for professionals and families that support mothers after infant loss. She writes,
When you lose a baby you suddenly discover you are a part of a secret club. Many people do not talk about their experiences until another mother has lost her baby. However, the fact that most women will lactate after losing a baby, even early in pregnancy, is the even bigger secret. Once you have lost your baby, you are given lots of resources on how to deal with the emotional grief but no one warns you about the physical grief. Pat Schweibert’s book, When Hello Means Goodbye, given out in many hospitals, says it well, “My body had its own grief. And its tears were white.”
If you have experienced pregnancy or infant loss and would like to contribute to helping other mothers going through a similar experience, please consider taking this confidential survey.
Here is the link to the survey: Please feel free to pass it on.
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