Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mama Myth Mending at Mothergarden February 8th

Mothergarden, Nurture's weekly drop-in group for parents & children, invites you to join us for a free discussion on Monday, February 8 at 11am with Krista Arias of Mama Muse. Krista will share about Mama Myth Mending: "Mamas: you can be the heroine of your birth and mothering story... even if it was difficult or traumatic."

Mothergarden is held every Monday from 10:30-noon at Nurture, 1614 NE Alberta St. Parents, partners, expecting parents, and anyone who is interested in creating a parenting community are all welcome. For more information: Thanks also to our generous sponsor, Grasshopper.

Earth Mamas......

you can birth your baby in awareness, connection and joy....... without following all that advice.....

yes, its true….. even if you’re not one of those women who have easy labors. If you want to have a baby sometime soon, or are pregnant now, I promise you, you can have an authentic and empowering experience that will contribute to your important work as a mother. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the vast amount of information available, the advice offered, and the traumatic stories circulated. Its no wonder many women put up a wall to protect themselves from the barrage, or give up hope and walk the path feeling alone and inadequate……. and unprepared……

you can know your birth and mothering story with fluidity, freedom, power and peace……
even the parts that were difficult or traumatic.....

If you’re like most mothers, at some point before, during or after your baby is born, you probably find yourself falling short of your ideal, spinning out over regrets, wrestling with who’s to blame, or wondering why you are doing that thing (you know, the thing you know you shouldn’t do) again in spite of all your good intentions and willpower.

I'm Krista and I am here to tell you that there is another way

….. Maybe you a woman wanting to have a baby, but afraid of the unknown..... or pregnant and terrified of giving birth…… or maybe you had traumatic birth before and worry about your ability to do it again…… perhaps you're a new mother trying to cope after a difficult birth?….. or maybe you recently had a wonderful birth, but keep re-playing a part of it that tripped you up, one little thing that keeps buggin’ you, or even haunting you…….. or maybe you got hung up on the other side during the early days caring for your newborn, or perhaps it was in the fertility dance……

whatever it is, even if it was years ago….. Take some time with a group of women to prepare for your birth, integrate your birth experience and/or mend your personal mama-myth……. gently.... one stitch at a time….. I promise you that no matter how bleak it may feel in moments……. there is a birth and mothering instinct and story within you that is pure and true in which you are an amazing heroine……. I promise……

Come join me at Mothergarden this Monday for a glimpse into what goes on in the Mama Myth Mending Retreat...... hear about how it works, what to expect, what it isn't, and what you'll come away with...... and experience a little taste of the process to see if it might be for you!

Krista held a beautiful space for me. A space free of anyone’s judgments, fears or preconceptions… except my own. In holding that space she gave me the opportunity and gentle guidance to look at these and walk through them. I came out on the other side feeling more committed to my birth plan and also more surrendered to the will of the Universe. The work we did was simpler than I expected, but profound in it’s simplicity. I experienced the complete solidification of trust in my own intuition, my ability to make it through anything, and renewed faith that, whatever the outcome, my baby was meant to be born in this way (breech). To go into labor with all of my fears fully in the light and no longer holding power in the shadows, gave me the confidence and ability to be present and focused during my labor. I would absolutely recommend working with Krista to anyone who is pregnant. Working with her is the gift of bringing a richness and consciousness to your birth experience that I think many women long for, but can be difficult to find in our culture.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ~ Liselle Vetsch, Food for Health, mama of two

I had a lot of expectations of myself going into birth and felt like I let myself and Eliyana down in some ways. But I'm definitely understanding the experience differently! Working with Krista has pretty much helped me find a new understanding of myself as the hero of my birth story. And although I had absolutely wonderful, supportive and amazing midwives, I am starting to believe that every mama has a deep inner wisdom that helps her to make the best choices possible for her baby and her unique situation, but we don't always realize what we're doing at the time.

~ Ann Dorn Seregow, Re-Direct Guide, Mama of 2 yr old Eliyana
Looking forward to meeting YOU!


Helping warm vibrant earth mamas who live in a culture overwhelmed by information, fear, confusion and waaaaay too much advice and want to stop tripping up, TRUST THEMSELVES, and celebrate birth and motherhood.

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