Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mama Mantras

At a four-year-old's birthday party, I managed to have a very helpful conversation with my friend and colleague, Rebecca York, about the challenges we both worked through during the early postpartum days. As we talked about the difficulties of bonding with a baby when one is struggling to stay afloat, Rebecca mentioned an affirmation that was helpful for her during that time. She said she posted it on sticky notes all over the house, had it written on index cards, and would say it gently to herself as she held her baby.
Rebecca's mama mantra was:
My child/family and I are connected with love.

Rebecca is a social worker with a private practice offering counseling to women. Her specialty is pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and life transitions. Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your mantra.
My child/family and I are connected with love.

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