Saturday, July 11, 2009

Children's Book: The Blueberry Pie Elf

The Blueberry Pie Elf, written by Jane Thayer and illustrated by Seymour Fleishman, is another oldie but goodie. We have renewed our checkout of this book so many times, I think the library just might give it to us. It has certainly led to an increase in our pie baking activities in this house.

Sweet little Elmer, the elf, desperately tries to find a way to let the family, who unknowingly hosts him, know that he wants more rich, melting, juicy, delicious, fruity blueberry pie. This is not an easy task for an elf that no one can see, hear, or feel. No other pie will do, and I have to agree with Elmer on that; I also think blueberry pie is the sweetest, fruitiest, most delicious of the fruit pies.

After you read this delightful book, you can make a blueberry pie with your little elves. Here is my favorite blueberry pie filling recipe:

3 1/2-4 c blueberries (fresh!)
3/4 c agave syrup
~1/2 TB lemon juice
5 TB corn starch

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Pour into pie crust. Create lattice top for pie by weaving long thin slices of pie crust on top. Place pie on a pizza pan in case of bubbling over. Bake at 350' until crust is lightly browned. I always cover the edges until the pie filling has cooked a bit (about 30 minutes) and then remove the cover and let the crust brown.

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