H1N1 has hit the town, even, I think, my household. There has been a lot of talk about prevention, but now that it is here, I am curious about what your strategy is for coping with the swine flu. As a parent I am wondering...
- What herbs, medicines, homoeopathic, vitamins, etc. you are giving your children to get them through and hopefully avoid complications?
- How you are keeping your energy levels up after long nights of comforting sick children. How do you keep going during the day?
- What do you do if you are also sick?
- If you work, how have you dealt with missing work? How long were you out? How were your employers helpful or not helpful?
- How long did it last?
- What was the worst part?
- Were their any surprises?
- Did you have a confirmed or suspected case?
- Did you or will you now vaccinate?
To join share your experience, join us at: http://nurturepdx.ning.com/forum/topics/how-are-you-coping-with-h1n1
I also wanted to share this link, posted on FB by Lyla Wolfstien of Zennana Spa and Wellness Center. It is an abstract about a study of the anti-viral benefits of Elderberry in preventing H1N1. If you are looking for Elderberry, Rebecca at Portland Green Parenting has a 40% discount, through October, for members. You can also find it at New Seasons.
Wishes of wellness to you and yours.
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